Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC) and Bringing Hope Home (BHH) have partnered together since 2010 to provide the Cis B. Golder Quality of Life Grant, a financial assistance program offering one-time support to women and men newly diagnosed with breast cancer and those living with metastatic breast cancer. Cis B. Golder was a philanthropic individual and the grant program was named in her honor. Grants provided have assisted families with basic household necessities, such as rent, mortgage, and household utility bills. During the partnership, the two organizations have financially and emotionally helped over 1,775 families and individuals, with grants totaling over $1.4 million. The partnership allowed both organizations to reach more people and impact more lives. Both organizations celebrate our accomplishments and the lives that they have impacted.
Today, both organizations announce the end of this partnership. Moving forward, each organization will focus on offering these grants separately. This change was necessary as both organizations continue to grow and now extend their reaches outside the greater Philadelphia area. April 2019 will be the last Cis B. Golder application funding month and Monday, April 1, 2019 will be the last date we will jointly accept new Cis B. Golder applications. Each organization will continue to provide funds to women and men diagnosed with breast cancer separately after that date.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer plans to reopen their financial assistance program by September 2019. LBBC will notify all referral sources when the fund is relaunched. For more information about the Living Beyond Breast Cancer’s financial assistance program, contact Melissa Hamilton or go to
Bringing Hope Home will continue its core business of assisting local Families with all types of cancer through the Light of Hope Family Grant Program. This grant will continue to operate and will now include all Families with breast cancer living in the areas we serve. For more information about BHH or the Light of Hope Family Grant Program, please contact Amy Forkin at or go to for more information.