Bringing Hope Home Family Spotlight: Lynaya
Lynaya became a part of the Bringing Hope Home Family in April 2024, during her journey with a breast cancer diagnosis. Before her battle began, Lynaya had previously experienced the hardships of a cancer diagnosis firsthand, as she, herself, was diagnosed only a month afterlosing her mother who bravely fought against Stage IV lung cancer. Now facing her own diagnosis, Lynaya chooses to fight with grace, gratitude, and advocacy for herself and thosearound her.
Lynaya began her treatment in January. She underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. She experienced severe side effects from her treatments which left her confined to bed and unable to complete daily tasks. She developed multiple acute and chronic illnesses from her treatment that caused major disruptions in her healing journey. Through all, there was one thing that remained consistent, and that was her faith. “Life does not stop for a cancer diagnosis. I thank God for all of it- the good, bad, and indifferent. Never take life for granted,” states Lynaya.
Lynaya is a successful Respiratory Therapist at a local hospital and has used her knowledge in healthcare to advocate for herself and other patients around her. She uses the community of patients to uplift and lean on to stay strong and persevere during trying times.
When asked about her experience with BHH, Lynaya says, “Bringing Hope Home is the boost of encouragement I needed to help bridge the gap of hope and normalcy. I am so grateful for the support and care they showed me. From our home to you, thank you.”
Lynaya’s pride and joy is her 14-year-old son. He is the one who keeps her going and gives her areason to fight. They love spending time together, whether it’s finding a new restaurant, going bowling, watching a movie, or playing board games. “I owe so much to my son for what he has done for me during this journey.”
Thank you, Lynaya, for sharing your story with HOPE Nation and providing comfort and light to those in need. We are blessed to have you in our BHH Family!