Monthly Archives: January 2012

CEO Paul Isenberg on Critical Mass for Business Radio Show!

Check out our CEO and Founder Paul Isenberg on radio show Critical Mass for Business Radio Show, where he discusses Great Guys Groups’ mission and what we are doing in the community. Thanks for sharing your story Paul! Fast forward to 3:00 to hear the greatness ♥ Your browser does not support the audio element. var audioTag = document.createElement('audio'); if (!(!!(audioTag.canPlayType) && ("no" != audioTag.canPlayType("audio/mpeg")) && ("" != audioTag.canPlayType("audio/mpeg")))) { document.getElementById('auidoplayerhtml5podbeana47569c12150c1dcff6adc8787e35a91').parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById('auidoplayerhtml5podbeana47569c12150c1dcff6adc8787e35a91')); ...