Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business created BUSN 498: Introduction to Non-Profit Consulting with Bringing Hope Home.



This 4-credit course was designed to teach students about Bringing Hope Home’s business practices and involve them in our development process.

The course was taught by Sheri Shaw, Director of Undergraduate Student Services at Drexel University. David Hunt (Co-CEO of Spor Chargers) and Caitlin Mahon (Development Coordinator at BHH) assisted Sheri and served as group leaders throughout the 10-week course.


Course prerequisites required that the 18 enrolled students have attended our dodgeball fundraiser in the Fall. These 18 students quickly turned into BHH family and dedicated their time, talent and energy into developing fundraising tool kits we can utilize at schools involved in our Students Bringing Hope Program.


Semester highlights included: ● volunteering at the 14th Annual Great Guys Dinner as a class ● participating in a panel discussion with the Young Professionals HOPE Network, ● learning from BHH staff member Ed Christie about 501c3 status and budgeting ● and having Paul Isenberg, Dan Rosenbach (ACME’s VP of Human Resources), and LeBow administration serve as judges during final presentations.


What an amazing semester! We are so proud to have the LeBow College of Business as part of our Hope Squad and look forward to more experiential learning opportunities with them in the future!


PS: Did we mention they also raised $1,200 as a class during the semester? Yup, they’re pretty much rockstars.

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